Health and Wellness Coaching

Our mission is to empower you with the knowledge, tools, and guidance you need to lead a healthier, more balanced life.

Kelly Health Coach

Committed to Your Health

Are you tired of getting the runaround from your doctors?  You are your own best health advocate.

Personalized Wellness Plans

As your health coach, I’ll work closely with you to create a customized wellness plan that addresses your unique health and wellness goals. This can include exercise routines, and stress reduction techniques, all aimed at enhancing your overall wellbeing.

Testing and Analysis

For those interested in deeper insights into their health, I offer services such as food sensitivity testing, organic acid testing, adrenal hormone testing, thyroid adrenal hormone testing, and hair tissue mineral analysis. These tools can provide valuable information to further personalize your wellness plan.

Ongoing Support

Health coaching is a journey, and I’ll be with you every step of the way. I provide continuous support, adjustments to your wellness plan as needed, and encouragement to help you stay motivated and on track.

We work with you!

At Healthy Pioneer, we want to work with you for the long haul.  Rarely is there a 'quick fix' or a 'pill for that'.  We want to work with you to truly feel better, not just treat a symptom.


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Embark on your journey to wellness with ease. Subscribe for valuable health insights, expertly curated recipes, and mindful strategies for natural healing. Enjoy a spam-free experience and feel free to unsubscribe anytime – we're all about positive vibes here!

Thank You, we'll be in touch soon.

Improve yourself to be a better you.

At Healthy Pioneer we want you to be the best you so you can be the best for your family.

About Us

At Healthy Pioneer, we are dedicated to providing reliable and comprehensive health suggestions.

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